The Muses of Light and Dark
Welcome to the archives for the muses of light and dark, past, present and future muses will be all listed here with complete profiles.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via DMs on twitter
Alister Lykaios The Immortal Alchemist

Name: Alister Lykaios
Gender: Male
Species: Human.
Age: 1000+ years
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 188lbs
Alignment: Neutral Good
Alister is a very focused and intelligent individual.
Usually very blunt and impolite, often uses negative language but never over exaggerates or shows much body language unless he is infuriated. Uses big and small words depending on the situation. Usually asks questions as he is curious by nature.
Ever since meeting a certain individual he has begun to change and shift for the better and has slowly begun to open up to others and shows genuine concern for those he holds closely.
-Strengths & Weaknesses-
Alister has many experiences. Mostly in practical applications of sciences and alchemy, has recently started experimenting with magic in an effort to combine it with his alchemy.
He is very devoted to his craft so much that it can be seen both as a strength and a weakness, he is emotionally stunted however from living well beyond the age of a normal man. He is also extremely stubborn but this has begun to change as his personality has shifted quite a bit.
Alister was born a simple man within the dying age of the old Roman Empire as it transitioned into the age of the Holy Roman Empire.
He was born into a line of Blacksmiths and was destined to take on the family business like his grandfather and father before him. While he has excellent talent for the craft he showed no interest in the craft, this created strife between him and his Grandfather, his Father on the other hand only wanted his son to chase after what his heart desired and secretly enrolled him in an academy of the highest institution available to him at the time.
As he advanced through his schooling Alister took an interest in medical sciences.
His grandmother also an apothecary took notice of this and nurtured his budding talents and taught him as much as she could, ranging from herbs and minerals used in medicines as well as how to best use each and how to treat various illnesses as efficiently as possible.
After his graduation from the academy he took an extra interest in the applications of alchemy and how they could be used to help enhance and improve his medical practices, this only further widened the growing rift between him and his Grandfather.
Eventually as he began to make a name for himself as a medical professional he met with a woman named Anastasia, an apothecary and astrologer, they hit it off immediately and their respective families save for Alister's grandfather approved of a union between the two of them.
Their life was relatively peaceful and they shared their interests with one another and Alister often would spend late nights up with Anastasia to stargaze, he never knew what some of the more advanced messages Anastasia was able to read from the stars like she could, but he never asked nor wanted to know as he was happy and content with his life as it was.
After a few years a plague ravaged the region they lived in, both Alister and Anastasia worked tirelessly to save as many people as they could. Eventually and suddenly Anastasia passed away from an unknown illness not unlike the plague, this drove Alister into despair as he felt like he was robbed of his happiness, given that he knew of the greatest pursuit of Alchemy was the mythical Philosopher's Stone, an alchemical stone able to grant and perform miracles and grant limitless knowledge.
He became obsessive in his pursuit of the stone to the point of where he was eventually started being referred to as the mad alchemist.
He eventually began to hit a dead end with his research as he wanted to avoid using one theory that was shown to result in small weak stones that were capable of boosting an alchemists abilities but the stones often broke quickly after a few uses.
But his desires and grief eventually caused him to begin experimenting with human transmutation and converting life, be it human or animal into a viable energy source to create the philosopher's stone. Eventually he succeeded in creating several powerful stones but they were not strong enough to create a human life, but they allowed Alister the ability to traverse the realms. This was when he met with a demon and forged a pact with said demon in an attempt to use an entire world as the source of energy for a philosopher's stone.
The two finally found a suitable world and began to make preparations to convert the entire realm into a stone he could use to revive his lost wife, after the fact Alister would hand the stone over to the demon and their pact would be complete.
However Alister had different plans, he betrayed the demon at the time of the stone's creation, Alister invoked a secondary circle that consumed the demon's legions to create an even stronger stone. After all was said and done Alister vanished with the demon's prize and his army all but destroyed, the demon swearing vengeance upon the alchemist.
Alister traversed the realms and eventually settled into the realm between realms and created an immense seemingly infinite building as a stronghold to hide himself away to conduct his research on the stone and attain all the knowledge it held within and to create a new body for his wife so they could be together once more.
However numerous failures after years upon years of research in perfecting human transmutation and failure of reviving Anastasia, saw Alister become a broken shell of what he once was. He sealed away his research and began wandering the realms trying to find himself for many many years, not aging due to the fact that the stone had granted the man immortality with the elixir of life.
After many countless centuries of wandering he finally regained some of his drive and began accumulating knowledge to fill the limitless time he had, this saw him convert the fortress into a mechanical library that traversed within the realms between so to keep him hidden away from everyone as he had sworn off trying to bond with anyone as he now no longer viewed himself as human.
Years later he forgot his name.
After several more centuries of wandering the realms and starting to reach out and help people in need he finally met with a woman by the name of Victoria, and now a new chapter of his life is unfolding.
-Magical Abilities-
Alister has recently started learning magic under Victoria's tutelage.
In specific the natural magical talent that was unlocked by his first meeting with Victoria has been flame based magics, as he grew in mastery of controlling his rampaging flame magic he began to awaken to a second latent talent with earth based magics.
-Alchemical Abilities-
As an alchemist, Alister's abilities are nearly without peer, he is able to shape anything he desires thanks to augmentation from the Philosopher's Stone in his possession, has recently begun to combine his magical talent with his alchemical talent to further increase his defensive and offensive capabilities.
Alister also specializes with creating a large variety of potions that range from cures, right up to potions that can warp and transform someone into demons.
S Rank: Anastasia Lykaios
Alister's deceased wife, he shared a very strong bond with her prior to her passing and was the object of his obsession during an extremely destructive time in Alister's past.
Still remains at the forefront of his thoughts but a certain individual has began to slowly take Anastasia's place within his mind.
A Rank: @ScienceWitchy- Victoria Stein
Alister and Victoria met purely by chance, their first meeting was a rather explosive one that awoke long dormant abilities with Alister, since that day the two have stayed close to one another both mentoring each other in various arts they weren't very well versed in.
They have also shared each other's trauma with one another and have both agreed to work together to better themselves, as a result they have forged an especially strong bond with one another.
But something at the back of the Alister's mind seems to be bothering him and keeping him from further strengthening his bond with Victoria.
B Rank: @dragonofmists - Dayrius
A manakete who arrived on the realm one day, At first Alister was uncertain of the young man, but over time Alister has bonded with the boy and has imprinted himself as something of a guardian for Dayrius, Alister is very thankful for the advice and grounded feeling he gives to him.
C Rank: @TacticianRobin - Robin
Alister met Robin while wandering the realms, after several conversations he has come to admire the tactician quite a bit, though he feels as if Robin gives too much of himself to his work and others, wants to try to help Robin find a way to help Robin rest and or relax for a time and has volunteered to help Robin in whatever way he can when he can.
C Rank: @reploid_hunter - Xavier
Alister and Xavier met once a long time ago, their interaction was not positive but that was Alister's own fault and he acknowledges that now, wishes to make amends and help Xavier return home.
Hel Sovereign of Death
Name: Hel
Gender: Female
Species: Æsir
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Hel is a cold and cruel ruler, she is extremely intelligent and manipulative and rarely fights own own battles.
She is not without a shred of kindness however as she once raised a daughter.
While she finds no joy in her work, she also holds no empathy towards those whose lives she destroys with her work.
Advanced magical abilities, enhanced physical strength and fighting prowess, diplomatic and political skills. She is very powerful and well versed in many different things, but because she knows so much and feels she can do anything right the first time.
Hel sometimes overestimates her own actual skill level or will underestimate others own level of skill.
King Fáfnir of Niðavellir

Name: Fáfnir
Gender: Male
Species: Dvergr
Age: Mid to late 20's
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175lbs.
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Evil
Fáfnir, is an extremely cunning and ruthless individual, he is single minded in his pursuit of conquering and bringing all other realms under Niðavellir.
He used to be very kind but an unknown incident caused him to lose all of his memories and is part of the driving force that pushes him forward in his conquest of all the other realms, as he believes that if he finds the place he sees within his memories that he will regain what he has lost.
He is not above using those close to him to this end and he views his adoptive siblings as nothing more than tools to achieve this and would sooner throw them to the wolves should they prove to be of no more use.
Strong-willed, able-bodied and extremely intelligent, competent with magical sciences and blacksmithing.
Single-minded, short tempered, arrogant.
Reploid Hunter Xavier

Name: Xavier
Gender: Male
Species: Reploid.
Age: 100+ Yrs / AI Age: 25
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180lbs
Alignment: Neutral Good
Art and Xavier RZ design : Tomycase
Xavier concept and design © me
Xavier is a focused and stubborn individual, some will say he is very reliable as when he sets his mind to a task he won’t relent until it is completed, others will say he is unapproachable and difficult to be around as he barely manages more than a few words to get a point across while working with others and often keeps to himself. But others who know him well know him as a loyal, albeit impulsive if not outright reckless, friend who will fight to his last to ensure their safety.
Dependable, Loyal, Strong-Willed, Skilled Combatant with 100+ years of combat experience.
Stubborn, often cannot see the bigger picture, Impulsive.
Xavier was created as a part of a special reploid weapon project led by Doctor Sullivan Volkov, this new type of combat reploid was supposedly completely immune to all forms infection, viral, and external control. Making them very ideal to use in the ongoing war against the mavericks. Another thing that set this new generation of combat reploids apart from other combat types was the ability to output energy at much higher levels than standard combat reploids, making them very powerful, the drawback was if this reploid type fell into the wrong hands it could end disastrously.
But before Doctor Volkov’s could begin to build the prototype reploid for this project, his lab was attacked by a group of Mavericks seeking to take the research of this project along with the weapons being developed for use by this new generation of combat reploid. This prompted the Federation Government to cut off all support for the project.
That should have been the end of it there and then, but Doctor Volkov used his family fortune to build a hidden laboratory to finish the project to see if he could create a reploid that could stand on equal ground with the Maverick Hunter’s greatest heroes.
The fruits of Doctor Volkov’s labors soon took shape in the form of Xavier, a reploid equipped with a very unique system known as the Growth Development System, which was proposed to have rivaled both the Variable Weapons and Learning Systems that were used by Maverick Hunters X and Zero. But instead of simply copying or learning new abilities the GDS would help Xavier grow stronger and more adaptable with each situation he would overcome, but a major flaw that Doctor Volkov never realized with the GDS was it would cause Xavier’s core to be pushed way beyond its limits, causing a danger to himself and others around him.
Everything was going smoothly with the research and Doctor Volkov was very proud of the results of his research with Xavier growing by leaps and bounds as a combat reploid. However disaster struck once again when suddenly another Maverick raiding party discovered the lab and tried to take the research for themselves again.
During the chaos caused by the battle the lab was destroyed by the Mavericks, the resulting explosions caused a huge avalanche that swept Xavier away while he was outside of the lab trying to escape.
He was later discovered by a search and rescue team led by a Maverick Hunter known as Andrea and was taken under her protective custody, but after a series of circumstances he was eventually trained as Maverick Hunter and joined the Huntress’ unit.
Years later he was forced to take Andrea’s life when she suddenly turned Maverick during an investigation to up-root and remove any corrupt politicians from the Federation Government, but rather than be promoted to squad leader of Andrea’s unit as she intended for him, he was tried as a Maverick Criminal despite trying to finish Andrea’s investigation and being innocent. Xavier had been publicly “executed” by a nanomachine injection designed to destroy the CPU of any reploid it was injected into. However the execution was staged as a corrupt section of the Government took Xavier, using the nanomachine injection as a sort of tracer and control device, not knowing he was otherwise unaffected by the control exerted by the nanomachines. He was then placed within a Black Ops kill squad with other reploids who had also been falsely accused of being Maverick. Many of his missions with this new squad involved him and his team being used to take out any who threatened the power the corrupt politicians had. This had him cross swords with the Hunters on numerous occasions being used as a pawn to further a pseudo Maverick War started by the government to gain more support for Project Elpizo.
Eventually Xavier turned on his handlers after managing to free the others within his unit, killing the official who directed his operations, one of which included an assassination attempt on X. The death of the official by reploid hands of course only served to help further the goals of the government for support of Project Elpizo.
It was soon after that incident that the Elf Wars broke out, leading his squad as best as he could, he managed to see to it that many of his comrades survived whatever missions they undertook, but during the final battle most of his unit was annihilated while trying to buy time for X and a rebuilt Zero to take back the Mother Elf and stop Project Elpizo from coming to fruition, the members whose remains were never found along with lack of his remains saw him and those missing members be listed as missing in action, but was acquitted of his maverick status for his heroic efforts.
However he had somehow, miraculously survived the ordeal, how he did is unknown even to him as he has no memories of those events. When he awoke after supposedly being asleep for over forty years, he had awoken in a desolate wasteland, thinking that his allies lost the war, and that everything had been destroyed as a result, wandering the wastes for a few years, he battled against numerous mechaniloids that seemed to of survived, using their remaining energy to fuel himself to keep on going in hopes of finding that anyone had survived the Elf Wars.
After nearly giving up he had been found and rescued by a Neo Arcadian detachment that had been investigating reports of a ebon armored reploid fighting rouge mechaniloids in the desert, after being brought back to Neo Arcadia, X granted the tired and battle worn hunter safe heaven and protection from persecution. Spending the next portion of his life in peace.
However that peace would be short-lived. When X suddenly declared that all reploids were mavericks and began retiring countless numbers of innocent reploids, he heavily contemplated leaving Neo Arcadia to join the resistance force that had been formed by Doctor Ciel, but instead opted to see how the conflict would unfold before choosing a side in the new war.
During the many battles between the Resistance and Neo Arcadia, Xavier fought Zero several times being defeated every time, Zero asking Xavier why he was holding back. Xavier said while he supported Neo Arcadia, he knew that something was very wrong and that his heart while overjoyed at the thought of crossing blades with Zero his convictions were shaken by the actions of Neo Arcadia.
When Dr. Weil and Omega resurfaced Xavier finally chose to defect to the Resistance. Xavier met with two figures from his past, the first being a reploid woman known as Mystica who claimed she knew Xavier’s secrets and why his memory of Elf Wars was fragmented or otherwise missing. And another woman named Mayrune from his time as a Maverick Hunter. However she was no friend to him as she was firmly under control of Dr. Weil with orders to eliminate any threats to his plans, this included Xavier’s defection to the Resistance.
Conflict between them eventually saw Mystica slain by Mayrune, in that instant Xavier’s memories came flooding back to him with a sudden surge of power. Unbeknownst to him Mystica had also served in the nameless squad Xavier led. He remembered his final moments during the Elf Wars where he had been overwhelmed by a growing force of reploids under Weil’s control. Eventually he succumbed to his wounds and perished. However memories that were not his were also present, Memories that belonged to Mystica, in these memories Mysica found Xavier’s body, his soul still bound to his body. And in an instant Mystica shattered his soul into two pieces, one containing his memories of the Elf Wars and a portion of recorded data from his MK-I GDS. And the other containing his base personality. The silver-haired reploid then took his body back to his creator, feigning innocence that much of his soul and data had been lost or corrupted when in reality she hid that data within her own CPU to keep Dr. Volkov from trying to rebuild Xavier to use in a plot for vengeance against X for the outcome of the Elf Wars. He was however rebuilt despite Xavier being projected to only have about twenty-five percent of his original strength due to the loss of so much data. He was also upgraded with the new Mark IV GDS and an improved reactor.
Xavier’s body was then returned to the site where he fell in combat and placed in a special capsule that would break down overtime until the day he would reawaken.
Xavier then fought against Mayrune and eventually after a vicious battle managed to defeat her, freeing the woman from her control, Mayrune however was wracked with guilt over what had happened, and how she ended up under Weil’s control, while an able fighter, she opted to not fight, at least until she was absolutely certain she was free of any external control.
Xavier continues to stay with the resistance, leading guerilla operations against Neo Arcadia.
Breaker Blade:
A custom built great sword, extremely durable and resistant to being destroyed by conventional sabers or plasma based weaponry, it's extreme weight slows the user down a bit but allows him to deliver powerful and devastating blows that often outright destroy most targets
Buster Machine Pistol:
Neo Arcadia standard issue machine pistol that has been heavily modified to suit Xavier’s basic needs, powered by Xavier’s reactor through an energy transfer unit built into the gun.
Twin Beam Sabers:
Ancient relic from the Maverick Wars that belonged to his original commanding officer Maverick Hunter Andrea, tuned to his reactor to prevent malfunctions as they draw power from the user to activate. A very lightweight weapon suited to one on one duels with faster opponents.
-Overdrive Invoke System-
A powered up state that Xavier can use in emergency situations, however doing so pushes his body to it's limitations, enables boosted offensive and defensive capabilities as well as the use of certain abilities.
Xavier can only use this state safely for a maximum of 5 seconds before it disables itself and Xavier is left in a vulnerable and weakened state.
Sengatotsu (旋牙突 "Whirling Fang Thrust") is a dashing thrust with the Breaker Blade or Twin Sabers that can be powered up with the Xavier's O.I.S (Overdrive Invoke System).
Tenshouzan (天昇斬 Heaven Rising/Ascension Slash) is a jumping rising slash, that can only be used on the ground. Xavier's jump height will be increased and the Breaker Blade or Twin Sabers will be imbued with fire if Xavier's O.I.S is active.
Rakuretsuzan (落烈斬 lit. "Falling Fury Slash") Xavier performs a mid-air downward thrust with his Breaker Blade or Twin Sabers. The attack changes to the ice-element if Xavier's O.I.S is active.
Kougenjin (光幻刃 "Light Illusion Blade") Xavier releases a short-ranged shockwave from the Breaker Blade or Twin Sabers that travels along the ground. The attack is changed to into a thunder-element attack and travels further if Xavier's O.I.S is active.
-Giga Attacks-
Rekkoha (裂光覇) - Xavier slams the ground with his fist and is enveloped in a large aura while pillars of light rain down from above on a target's position.
EX Skill: Ranbu (乱舞, "Wild Dance") (Can only be used if Xavier is near death and his O.I.S is active) - Xavier lunges at the opponent and executes a deadly 14-hit combo with his Breaker Blade and Twin Sabers.
-Body and Armor Specifications-
Reinforced Ceratanium Reactive Armor.
Lightweight Ceratanium Body Suit.
-Reactor and Internal Components-
Reinforced Plasma Fusion Reactor.
Micro Nanomachine Factory.
Growth Development System MK-IV.
Central Joint and Stabilization System.
Primary CPU with advanced and ever shifting coding to protect from external control.
Secondary CPU to further improve accuracy of precise movements.
Arms are equipped with a special unit in his palms that allow direct transfer of energy from his reactor to his weapons.
-Growth Development System MK-IV Explanation-
Xavier’s creator Dr. Volkov designed and built a revolutionary tool to further enhance combat reploid’s he was tasked with building called the Growth Development System or GDS for short.
It was built with a singular goal, to rival, match, and possibly surpass the Variable Weapons System employed by the legendary Mega Man X or the Learning System used by Zero.
But rather than copy weapons or abilities like the VWS or Learning System, the GDS enabled it’s user to grow stronger with each conflict said user would survive, granting the user boosts to strength, agility, or modifying the behavior of the reploid’s onboard nanomachine factory to modify the user’s body based on the user’s immediate needs after overcoming the conflict they were involved in.
This did not come without drawbacks however, as an unforeseen side effect of growing strength meant the user’s internal reactor would be put under extreme duress up to the point of potentially unsafe operating limitations that could cause the reploid to either self destruct with devastating consequences for the surrounding area or the reploid simply ceasing function with their safety function effectively shutting down and locking up their reactor to prevent a meltdown.
Xavier was eventually re-equipped with the Mark IV GDS unit and unique reactor that would alleviate this issue.
S-Rank: Mayrune
Xavier's closest friend and ally, they have endured a lot and fought together and against each other often but their bond has seen them through many tough times.
Xavier won't openly admit it but he loves Mayrune and would sacrifice anything for her to see her smile.
A-Rank: Mystica
Xavier sees her as a little sister , especially after all of the trials they have endured together and how she has always encouraged him to do his best.
C-Rank: Alister
Xavier has had a few encounters with Alister, the first was not a positive one and made Xavier actually want to kill the man, but after one attempt and realizing he was immortal he decided it best to simply never have any further interactions with the man, though fate has brought them together again.
C-Rank: Victoria Stein
Xavier is currently employed by the scientific witch known as Victoria after an incident has brought him to the world that she resides in, he hasn't had many interactions with her or her company and would prefer to keep it that way but has helped out a fair amount with everyday tasks to keep himself occupied until he can find his way home.
C-Rank: Cloud Strife
Xavier views Cloud as both a rival and competition, but also respects her strength, he is concerned about how she seems to push people away but hasn't bothered to mention or bring this issue forward to Cloud.
Summoner of Levin, Xavier
Name: Xavier
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 182lbs
Alignment: Lawful Good
Xavier is a positive and upbeat man who is extremely confident in himself, but humble enough to know when he needs help, he is very down to earth and tries his best to be a dependable and trusted friend.
There are moments when he has dark thoughts pass through his mind but he tries to turn to his friends and lean on them when these thoughts come to him.
Intelligent, Reliable, Trusting
Stubborn, Lazy and Procrastinates, Slightly Introverted
Xavier was a normal everyday college student five years ago, he also was working towards a red seal as he seemed to enjoy cooking but eventually abandoned the idea as he found he would rather only cook for close friends and family.
One day he eventually loaded up a game called Fire Emblem Heroes, and in that instant he was hit by a blinding light that took the wind out of him, when he opened his eyes next he found himself in a strange world known as Zenith.
Zenith was a beautiful world, but it was not without it's own issues two countries within the world known as the Askr Kingdom and it's neighbor the Embla Empire were at war with one another.
To make matters even stranger, he was summoned here from his own world by an ancient relic that had chosen him as it's wielder, called Summoner by a redheaded woman named Anna who was the commander of a special army known as the Order of Heroes, whose job was to protect Heroes from the Embla Empire. Joining Anna and her two subordinates, the royal siblings prince Alfonse and princess Sharena, Xavier used his power to free heroes under Embla's control and had them join their side, slowly bolstering their forces.
After a year's long war with Embla, Xavier and the Order of Heroes managed to defeat the Princess, and defacto Ruler of Embla, Veronica.
A time of peace reigned over Zenith for a time until a warlord by the name of Surtr, ruler of the kingdom of Muspell declared war on Askr, working together with the princess of Nifl; Fjorm, Xavier and his allies eventualyl gained the power to extinguish Surtr's flames, but many sacrifices were made along the way, this did not sit well with Xavier and he eventually vanished with another summoner by the name of Eliya.
After several years Xavier mysteriously reappeared with Eliya, and is now helping with the war against King Fáfnir of Niðavellir.
But he feels he has returned to Zenith for a much grander reason, and is currently working with Eliya to uncover why, hopefully before it is too late to stop whatever has been set in motion.